No Black Friday at PureTime
It has become more and more popular to have Black Friday deals, Black Week deals or even Black November deals.
I have deliberately chosen not to jump on the bandwagon - and I want to explain why.
All customers are treated equally
For me, it is important that you as a customer feel that you have received the best treatment and the best deal - all year round.
If I disadvantage the people who go shop-amok at the end of November, then it's a bit of a joke to all the lovely customers who support me all year round.
Better a poor horse than no horse at all
Black Friday means that we shop a lot - probably more than we had planned.
Overconsumption of material goods is one of the major climate sinners globally, and I would rather have you choose a few less, delicious products that you can enjoy for a long time - rather than big-time shopping.
Prices for materials have been very high
You may have already heard that, but a lot of raw materials have risen significantly in price - and wood is actually one of the raw materials that has risen the most, which you, among other things. can read about in this article from, just as fuel has risen quite a bit, affecting freight prices.
I operate with a fairly small profit margin on my products, where there is also no room for more retailer links (although I get a lot of inquiries), so if I continue to deliver delicious products in wood and come up with new ideas and products, then I simply can not afford to give big Black Friday discounts.
The above are the main reasons why my prices for Black Friday are the same prices as the rest of the year - and therefore you can buy whenever you want at PureTime without fear of big sales for Black Friday.
During the year, I will have selected items that are reduced in price - typically items that are either discontinued or otherwise stand out, so that they can be sold cheaper for good reason.
Really good fun with your Christmas shopping :)
The best greetings,
Kenneth - owner of PureTime